
Connect with Mindset Coach Chandrani Choudhuri for training and coaching your Leaders to have more engaged and productive team with growing profitability so that you can enjoy more time with your family and do what you love to do.

5000 People Trained
7000+ Lives Transformed
150 Leaders Coached
15 Countries Served

Are You Tired Of Putting Your Heart And Soul
To Make Things Work But Still The Efforts
Are Not Yielding The Right Results?

Like many Businesses are you also struggling with any of these and not sure what to do?



Are you frustrated that your next line leaders are not able to perform as they should be?



Are you concerned that you have no time for family or own fitness since entire day is spent at work?



Is your team not clear about the vision and mission of your Organization and hence are not aligned to it?



Are you struggling to increase your team’s productivity in-spite of best efforts?



Are you worried for the future of your Organization in the present market conditions?



Are you confused on why the clients preferring your competitors over you though your marketing efforts are similar to them?

The biggest mistake most of the Business Leaders make is that they don't consult anybody and try to solve all problems by themselves which cost them dearly. I also have been on the same Boat. But, luckily I found a Coach who guided me to the right path and helped me to be successful. With that learning I have guided many Business Leaders to overcome their mind blocks and achieve great success.

3 steps that I take


I talk to the Senior Leadership to understand the challenges faced by them thus do a complete assessment of the situation


I design a detailed Growth Strategy that aligns with the Organization's Vision and Mission


I handhold the employees for an effective implementation of the defined Strategy

I facilitate your achievement

Connect with Mindset Coach Chandrani Choudhuri for training and coaching your Leaders to have more engaged and productive team with growing profitability.



Your next line Leaders shall become 5X more capable of engaging and motivating their teams in giving their best to your organization.



Your Leaders would be able to run the Business smoothly with 50% lesser involvement from your side. Hence you will have more time for your family and for your own fitness.



Your team will have 10X better clarity on the vision and mission of your Organization and would fully align to it. Thus a great work culture will be created in the Organization.



Your Leaders will be able to guide their subordinates 5X better so that the teams perform their best.


Peace of mind

You shall have peace of mind since your Leadership would be able to take the Business to a greater height in-spite of difficult market.


Customer Satisfaction

Your team will ensure your customers getting the BEST solution from your Organization. Hence, customers would prefer you instead of your competitors.

About Me

I am a Mindset Coach. Passionate about changing people’s mindset and make them more open to accepting 'change'. I help Business Leaders to have more engaged and productive teams, which ensures that the Business Leaders can enjoy more time with their families and do what they love to do.

I have trained over 5000 people from various sectors like IT, Banking & Finance, Education, and Research. Through my training and coaching programs, I leave a lasting impact on my students, which eventually give them lot of inner strength, self-belief and clarity. It reflects in their engagement and commitment at their work place resulting in Professional and Business Growth.

I firmly believe that persistence, self-discipline and commitment to self-transformation can make impossible as, "I am possible".

My mission in life is to help 1,00,000 Business Leaders get rid of their limiting beliefs and achieve full potential.


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Get coached to change the mindset of your Leaders that results in more engaged team, producing better results...

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